Thursday, February 25, 2010


In below-freezing weather:  ice in the buckets, frost on the nostrils, fingers turning blue, away from the stove, gotta work outside today...
checking the hay bales left for sale;  checking hooves and shoes, for the Farrier's next trip; moving the manure small loads to the main pile; checking oil in the feed cart and the farm truck...stuff to do in the cold.
DRESS ACCORDINGLY:  long john bottoms and top;  undershirt, long sleeves; undershirt, short sleeves; soft, warm long sleeved sweater;  socks, short cotton, long woollies, toe warmers; wool pants;  heavy stomper-boots;  lamblined vest;  ski-temp coat and overpants;  two hats,  muffler;  inside then outside like a kid,  guess what?
I do so look forward to sun long enough to warm up a spot here and there...
I remind myself:
All for the love of a Horse...I am a crazy person.  Acceptance equals peace.  PhF


Greener Pastures--A City Girl Goes Country said...

My mother, who is not a horse person, shook her head and said, when she visited me and saw my routine with the horses in the winter, the bundling up, the mud, the rubber boots lined with Walmart bags, "You gotta love this..." Yep.

horsespiritwriter said...

Hello, City Girl! Welcome. Please feel free to post your picture as a Follower; I know you tried before and my system was not open then...but it is now and I look forward to your posts! wfh