Friday, March 20, 2009


Horses pardon other horses. Why do Humans have so much trouble with this concept? Perhaps if we could just kick away at each other, the way horses in herd situations do, perhaps then we might not have problems with giving up on blame.

Other animals establish leader/pack relationships through threats and physical attacks; there is rarely any question about which one is lead-mare or top-dog or alpha-chimp. When groups swell beyond respectable, recognizable limits and custodians, the herd or pack or pride simply splits. New territories are carved out, established, defended and life goes on. Rarely do opponent groups fight to the death.

It isn't for lack of communication skills either. All species recognize the common language used within their types. Some even recognize expressions of concepts expressed by one type to another, such as dogs to rabbits, horses to goats and cats to ferrets.

Animals frequently have 'low' thresholds in anger expression but these seem to be well understood. Some say: not now, not today, go away and never! But few are aggressive. Most are well respected by other members sharing common spaces.

I think that may be where Humans can pay attention and learn something from those we share our spaces with; some of our spaces are also Other animals' spaces. We need to honor them. We need to understand their languages. We need to avoid 'cornering' them and to leave their own civilizations.

We, undoubtedly, need to work more within our own Human establishments toward understanding and forgiveness. If we are good because we strive to mirror God, we should actually do unto Others as we want them to do unto us. Exist in peace, within our herd; live with forgiveness and, as much as possible, respect each other. Leave 'justice' to the laws.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Blind Spots

Some mornings I am awakened by the sound of a softly mumbling muffler making a curve on the road outside. It is always between 4:30 and 4:45. I have worked it out in my mind that it is the car and driver which delivers the town's free newspaper, wrapped in a blue plastic sleeve.

Usually it is a Tuesday.

I think about that driver/delivery person: a kid? a woman? a guy? two people? Up and out in the wide world before sunrise.

Throwing their route; going home to have breakfast, their day well-begun; off to the ''rest'' of their day...maybe back to bed for a snooze?

The dog and I will walk down to the gate to pick up yesterday's mail and the news, left by an unknown.

I wonder if I perhaps DO know the 'Thrower'? Do our paths cross somewhere other than my driveway, some days/nights? If so, I don't actually know this other person; I know the role they play in my life: Thrower of the newspaper.

That stretches my mind to wonder how far does MY role reach out into Others' lives?

That question makes me want to be a bit more careful of my actions; some day I might just meet the Thrower and I do want to be able to say: thank you for bringing the wide world so quietly to my gate!

I hope that Others' who might meet me as a person, not a role player, will feel kind toward me too.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Horse Spirits

Fourty -plus years in a Horse career have convinced me that, like people, Horses do indeed have some Spirit/Soul somewhere inside their mind or body.

When I look into their eyes, they look back into mine.

Not like a dog looks; don't judge me as saying that I think dogs are without Spirits, no; a dog has to 'know' you before they look directly into your eyes, they have caution.

A horse will look at you directly, the first time.

Perhaps it is because they usually stand taller than people.
What I see when I look is that there is "always someone home".
If I catch a Horse asleep It will leap away in fear as soon as It sees me looking. I have been in pastures working away at a fence or on a tractor to suddenly realize that the whole herd is...watching me.
It comforts me...this meeting of souls.