Saturday, February 13, 2010


There are times when one just cannot keep up!  So: COOK!

Here is my receipe for GREAT Non-Veggie CHILI.
Gather together:  large pot (cast iron if you're lucky) with lid; cans, or pre-cooked, red beans and black beans, pinto beans and wax beans; mix in any proportion you like
                           some sort of meat:  elk (or other wild critter), beef, pork, hamburger or make a mix of ground or strung or chopped
                                 mix together: garlic, chopped or crushed; onion, chopped or sliced; chili peppers, mild or hot; salt to taste and pepper, hotter than you usually cook
lightly sear these in the pot in the smallest bit of butter--
now:  add in commercial liquid hot sauce to taste (Cajon is gooood)
                                 next:  sear the meat in with the seasonings and cut back the heat (stove or cookfire)
                                 add in the beans
                                 HERE IS THE SECRET INGREDIANT:  honey and tomato paste mixed together ;   proportion:  the smallest can from the beans--filled
                                 let this mess cook for around an hour, then add in chili powder to taste
                                 turn the fire back again, cover with lid and simmer another hour or so, until thick
                                 tear up some sourdough buns , load the Cowgirl China enamel bowls,  set out coffee/tea mugs and
                                 ENJOY!      from Cookie and Crew

        And a comment from the 'Boss' : about the recent time away:  I was testing the usage of the Blog by Sub-Clubs Members; they really want to go forward with OTHER horse-folks included in comments and exchanges; so I have switched back to Moderated Comments
Not enough Cooks , apparently!   Everybody, come on in;  Chili's ON.....PHF
ps: if you have problems reading/commenting PLEASE email me so I can sort it out--thanks!