Picking up at the back of the Field

the dilemma of Wild Horses in the USA
 By:  P. H. FAVARA, HorseMaster

Those who don't learn the history of a subject are truly doomed to repeat the mistakes made there.  We will give our Readers history about the Wild Horses of our United States.

What does it mean to be:  Wild?  Is that : abandoned, abused, overseen or actually non-domesticated?
When did Wild Horses roam our open country?  Do they still have territories?  Are Wild Horses considered an endangered species?  When are they due to die-out?
What organizations are responsible for the Wild Horses of the US?  Are there any advantages to maintaining herds of Wild Horses?
Where are the Wild Horse Herds located?  Who can observe them?  Who can use them?  Who is interested in them? Can people herd them and catch them and haul them out of their locations?

What objections do Horse-people have to the current conditions of the Wild Horse Herds? 
What is occuring currently to change or maintain those conditions?
What future programs have been proposed; what calendar has been suggested; will 'the public' be offered a vote in this matter; will horse-oriented organizations be involved? 
Do people who are educated and appreciate the status of the Wild Horses in the US have any interest in serving/saving these animals?
Have equestrians/handlers/breeders/veterinarians/farriers/farm managers/equine businesses been allowed to work toward resolutions of this matter; or is it , tragically, in the hands of politicians who have no equine education or understanding or concern for 'the' Horse?

Please comment back on this subject; please assist us with suggestions for investigation, please show your interest in our shared concern!